Larchmere Oriental Rugs

Visit our Showroom

Larchmere Oriental Rugs has thousands of rugs in stock, in a variety of sizes, colors and designs – both contemporary and traditional. We can help you find just the right one-of-a-kind rug for your home. 

View a sampling of our rugs >

The Process of Choosing
the Right Rug

Let us guide you through the process of picking just the right rug. We start by talking to you about the room for which you want a rug. And we ask you some questions:

Do you have a particular space in mind?
What are the dimensions of that space?
What colors do you have in mind?
What styles appeal to you? 

Now we can start showing you rugs we think will work for you and your space. We also explain how the rugs are made – each rug in our store is handmade and most are made from hand-spun and hand-carded wool using organic vegetable dyes. A rug of this type is an investment – the highest quality wools and weaving will assure that your rug will last a lifetime and more.

We encourage our clients to make multiple visits so they can see as many rugs as they like. We also encourage our clients to take rugs home on approval – giving them a chance to live with the rug for a few days to make certain they have made the right selection.